photo: Walter Grutchfield's 14 to 42
It stood high above Chelsea since 1951, the words "world's finest" and the image of a sewing machine fading over the years. (See also Frank Jump's close-up shot.)
The excellent site 14 to 42 has a little bit of info about it and the Necchi company, with a link to this original layout of the sign by the Mack Sign Company:

What is on the wall now? Mr. Rinaldi snapped this shot of an ad for Amstel Light. Will it still be here, a faded and ghostly reminder of a lost city, 60 years from now?
Chelsea is full of ghost signs, but not many that large or glorious
Is the ad just covering the sign or has it been painted over it?
Oh, and not related, but I thought of you when I read this:
they're painting it over. so that's that.
and i love those pickles. let the mainstreaming of hip foodie Brooklyn begin.
re: necchi 'sewing machine" sign i have a beautiful b/w photo (1992) on my websight, laurarubinphotography.com-go to the you tube video. (around 3 minutes, after wall street). sorry i do not know how to send this to you! maybe i will try to do an attachment from my you tube channel.
Ghostsigns from the UK here
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