But blogger and JVNY reader Mitch Broder did. And he posted a photo. Gird your loins.

photo: Mitch Broder
It's so wrong in so many ways. One major way it's wrong is that it includes Gino's zebra wallpaper.
After the cupcake people announced they were moving in, a rep for the company said they planned to keep the iconic wallpaper to "pay homage to Gino," a sentiment to which Gino's co-owner Michael Miele responded: "We take our zebra with us."
And they did, stripping the walls of every last arrow and stripe.

Gino stripped, by Karen & Jon, 2010
The wallpaper was originally designed for Gino Circiello by Flora Scalamandre in 1945, expressly for the restaurant. Though it's been copied and displayed elsewhere, it is synonymous with Gino.
As we can see, the cupcake people, undeterred by Mr. Miele's wishes, went through the trouble of buying new zebra wallpaper and installing it anyway.
Gino, 2010, before being gutted
See Also:
Last Meal at Gino
Gino's Zebras
How the Cupcake Crumbled
Cupcake Trash
King Kong & Cupcakes
I girded my loins. Didn't help.
Who the fuck buys cupcakes, anyway?
The last cupcake I bought was a
Hostess cupcake when I was in grade
If you disregard the zebra wallpaper that cupcake place kind of looks like a bank.
Really Revolting.
I mean, Really!
passed by it last week, was gonna take a pic but it was at night and i only have a shitty mobile phone camera...
nonetheless, just look at the customers in that pic :-X ...
let them eat cake! or better yet - a salad. lol
I had no idea you could buy the Gino wallpaper...I want to cover my apartment with it.
@one time this wall paper was custom made for ginos. so now they broke the deal??? ginos could have opened a coffee & cake place, cafe & take out. guess i cant let this thing go. i was in ginos in 1967 my uncle was a regular. then i was a regular later in life. this + elaines is means its time to eat @ home.
The original wallpaper made its way to a bar in Park Slope. It doesn't look too bad there.
Ed, what bar?
My loins are still girded. I hope they aren't stuck that way forever.
people, you may now ungird your loins! and walk freely about the cabin. (Jill, don't hurt yourself.)
JM, it's in 5th Estate bar (formerly Royale) on 5th between 12th & 13th. The owner told me he used to eat at Gino as a child. The whole place has a b&w animal thing going on with an emphasis on zebras.
thanks. i saw that once, but is it the original stuff? or newly purchased?
It's definitely not from Gino, it's new. Gino's had that glossy finish (I'm not a wallpaper expert so maybe that was from years of food grease), whereas the bar and from the picture it looks like Sprinkle's also have a flat finish. Maybe this is the cheap-o line for imitators. The design is definitely not unique to Gino:
true, it was designed for Gino, with Gino's input, but has since been available to anyone who can afford it.
i was hoping somehow the original had been transported somewhere. oh well.
Has anyone heard any news about Michael of Gino opening another place?
I just realized that zebra wallpaper was also used in Wes Anderson movie, The Royal Tenembaums.
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