On Lafayette Ave, someone has turned a brick tenement's lower half into a modernist condo, leaving the upper half still tenementy:

And this lovely, 40-year-old cleaners lures you in with its antique signage, only to reveal its lower parts have been transformed into a "dressed down luxury store":
It all reminds me of those mix-and-match books I had as a kid, where you put chicken legs on a cat's body or an elephant head on a rabbit.
In a related item, some scary news comes in from The Local. The Lafayette Grocery & Dairy just had its old sign ripped down. I took these photos recently, happy to find one of these antique tin signs, an increasing rarity in the city:
To see the destruction, click here. Luckily, reports The Local, the sign is in storage and will go back up once the work is done. No monsterizing for this grocery store.
That Dry Cleaners sign is so gorgeous that I can only praise the boutique owner for leaving it intact. Not that I can afford to patronize such a place, but they made the right choice.
The modernist re-do has been there for years. The renovation housed the since closed Restaurant Gia, one of the strangest restaurants I've ever seen.
i love these vintage signs.
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