Is New York getting stupider? Doesn't even rank in the Top 10 Smartest Cities. [DB]
The Bronx says goodbye to Stella D'Oro. [NYT]
Check out Joel Meyerowitz's photos of NYC's wilderness. [DI]
Jonathan Lethem fans, get ready for the new New York novel and a marathon, bi-borough reading:

Paul Auster also has a new novel coming out this month: Invisible.
The demise of the Jewish deli--and a blog trying to save it. [NYT]
Bowery artist mocks mockers. [EVG]
A round-up of this summer's secret parties and "semi-clandestine" events. [NK]
the artists are leaving (to Scranton), the hipsters are invading, and the bankers still rule. Yea, we're dumb
I have to say, the Penn South explanation sounds more coherent than that of the owner. Let's hope they can work something out. If he's willing to pay a market rent, he may be able either to stay or to move somewhere.
Anecdotally, yeah New Yorkers are getting stupider. Also the stupid have a great weapon in the cell phone to inflict their stupidity on the rest of us.
One of the joys in New York used to be, and you still get this at times, was getting into conversations with smart people you just met. Being crowded together with lots of not so intelligent people is really kind of crappy.
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