You know, in a way I kind of like this. A no frills joint that fixes computers. Basic signage too. It could have been way worse. It's no Sucelt but at least it isnt another "new" NYC cupcake joint or something.
Hmmm...four...counting the umbrella, which is a portable device, in a sense...? The guy standing at the door looks to have two things in his and PDA? (Or are those cigarettes?) Plus the umbrella under his arm. And the fellow walking by has headphones, which must lead to an iPod, portable radio or something.
I'm not keeping up the blog like I used to. Posts will be here and there, as the mood strikes. Most of what I have to say is in my book. Thank you for reading.
"We should all buy Jeremiah Moss’s book, Vanishing New York." --Sarah Jessica Parker
“Essential reading for fans of Jane Jacobs, Joseph Mitchell, Patti Smith, Luc Sante, and cheap pierogi.” --Vanity Fair
"a vigorous, righteously indignant book that would do Jane Jacobs proud." --Kirkus Reviews
"the go-to hub for those who lament New York's loss of character." --Crain's
"No one takes stock of New York's changes with the same mixture of snark, sorrow, poeticism, and lyric wit as Jeremiah Moss." --Village Voice, Best of NY
“Jeremiah Moss…is the defender of all the undistinguished hunks of masonry that lend the streets their rhythm.” --Justin Davidson, New York Magazine
"One of the most thorough and pugnacious chroniclers of New York’s blandification." --The Atlantic, Citylab
"Hyperbolic and combative, tireless and passionate." --Salon
You know, in a way I kind of like this. A no frills joint that fixes computers. Basic signage too. It could have been way worse. It's no Sucelt but at least it isnt another "new" NYC cupcake joint or something.
Hmmm...four...counting the umbrella, which is a portable device, in a sense...? The guy standing at the door looks to have two things in his and PDA? (Or are those cigarettes?) Plus the umbrella under his arm. And the fellow walking by has headphones, which must lead to an iPod, portable radio or something.
you're right, nothing would have made me happy. i am relieved it's not a fancy cupcake joint though.
Two words: money laundering.
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