...Also, the developer had been Hirsch, but the poster says Moss (not me--any relation to the Cooper Sq Hotel Moss?)--a "hotshot broker" who quotes Deepak Chopra on his company website--where the Stuyvesant Polyclinic is listed at $13 million with "a grand staircase even Lenny Kravitz would envy" and "do I hear indoor/outdoor saltwater swimming pool exiting to your gigantic organic garden?" So here's the new developer's hope for this longtime community-service center: "someone with rock star attitude will transform this coolest of village landmarks into the most extraordinary eco-mansion New York has ever seen." Does that mean we'll all be invited for a healing saltwater soak?
And here's a painterly ode to this future rockstar mansion. [SJFNY]
Sign the petition to save Met Foods in the East Village.
More evidence shows the new New Yorkers are anti-urban--they just want to live in the suburbs. So why don't they? [Curbed]
East Villagers roast Bruce Willis on a spit for opening a right-wing yuppie bar on the Bowery. [EVGrieve]
I love the photographs of Rudy Burckhardt--and so do the Bowery Boys.
Tonight, go hear stories from New York's garment industry veterans--at the Gotham Center--before they're vanished forever.
So it was Cabrini who was running the Stuyvesant Polyclinic, only they're closed down now, too. So the real estate dominoes continue to fall, and who knows when this game will ever be over.
Horrif-f//king-ingfying....so sick of fearing NYU's mega destruction, predator attitude of our beautiful neighbohood. NYU is like a rapist and our community are like women being raped again and again and we keep saying NO!, NO! NO! What part of NO can't John Sexton and NYU and Co. comprehend and respect.
If NYU can't tear it down which I am sure they considered as they do every piece of real estate -- and or can't build a sky piercing mega dorm above the historic facade it makes it to difficult but King of Cabblies has it right...I would add NYU real estate NYU domino-- NYU-domination proliferation of mega dorms, mega destruction and all under the guise and massive tax breaks and benefits of being not for profit
At some rallies speakers talk about real estate -- prime real estate in Hell.
Sorry, the LIRR guy is an asshole.
that may be true, but so are people who have loud cell-phone conversations in public places.
5th on the Park?$**&&@@##.
Well, that's the Eastside at least.
anonymous --
Neighborhoods change. Get used to it. NYU should be able to do what it pleases with property that it owns. Aesthetics don't trump property rights.
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