Nothing inspires my own real-estate envy like a townhouse in the Village. And townhouse owners who can "flirt" with renting out their 4-bathroom triplex to go "see the world" really kick that envy up a notch. Or ten. These folks on 11th Street are advertising with a sign in their front yard. Any takers?
One man tells his tale of Tribeca Film Festival terror. [EVG]
Save the date: Manhattanville holdout Nick Sprayragen stands up against eminent domain and Columbia University. Join him on May 21 at 2PM, NY State Appellate Division, Madison Ave at 25th St.
Family Portrait Day invades East Village--what is this, Park Slope? [BB]
If I ever wind up having to edit crap like that I will join the circus.
Damn. At first glance, I thought that photo said "Book signing and RAUNCH party."
And is their really an art to flirtexting? Isn't it kind of like an obscene phone call, but by text?
What's the emoticon for heavy breathing?
I like how the triplex ad's language goes from 'flirting' to 'meeting financial requirements." Have fun, luvvy, but don't make us call our attorney...
Thanks for the link. It was a fun party with beer, pizza and peanuts. They were able to raise the money they need and are now back in their apartment.
thanks for the update jill, that is good news
Oh, God, that's horrific.
("Book" launch)
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