Basquiat graffiti discovered in Soho condo conversion? [1010wins]
Take a look at some of New York's last racing pigeons. [NY Times]
Can't wait for I Am Legend? Hungry for a little Manhattan apocalypse? Get ready with a peek at Hollywood's love affair for destroying New York. [Bowery Boys]
Welcome to SuburbiAstor Place. Now that Walgreens is open for business, we've got a chain trifecta. There are 4 clones in this photo, can you find them all?
14th Street is getting another giant chain drugstore. Between 1st and 2nd, where Gristede's once was, so shall Duane Reade be -- according to the demolition/construction guy I talked to this morning on the scene:
It's this time of year when I most miss Kurowycky Meats. They always had a warm, welcoming Christmas display in their window. Luckily, we still have Baczynsky's East Village Meat Market:
McSorley's has their pot-bellied stove stoked--for warming their customers' pot bellies these cold winter days. Mmm...toasty:
Yes, Jeremiah, we have become one big generic shopping mall, supersized, mega dormed to death, welcome to the new hideous new york....
Suzannah B. Troy
It is definitely a Duane Reade in the old Gristedes spot. And there's a Duane Reade right across the street, which just opened a few years ago (replacing a Love Pharmacy). I don't get it?
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