Reminder to rally to save 35 Cooper Square--today. [BB]
More East Village 1987. [EVG]
Very old snow scenes. [BBs]
Penistrator goes even bigger. [Curbed]
Coney snowmen on the beach. [ATZ]
a.k.a. The Book of Lamentations:
a bitterly nostalgic look at a city in the process of going extinct
I used to live in the building about 50 feet away from dunk the clown. One year I got outta town for the entire festival duration. One year it was so horrible I wanted to murder the guy with the dunk the clown booth. I actually moved away from there because of the dunk the clown nightmares. Not kidding. If you haven't lived on Mulberry Street, well, you really have no idea how ridiculously awful this festival has become. And I say that as a long-time New Yorker. This isn't the San Gennaro festival of my youth—it's become a Street Fair tube sock and funnel cake extravaganza.
"No Dunk the Clown"? GOOD.
Any warm-and-fuzzy feelings of nostalgia evaporated when, at the summer street fair that went on on Ditmars bvd. in Astoria, the Dunk the Clown folks set up right outside our apartment -- and we were subjected to his loud, incessant, often racist "jokes" and horrible high-pitched laughter from 3PM to midnight on a weekend. It was almost torture.
I love your blog. I love New York, especially lower east side, east village and brooklin. I'm not an hipster, I'm italian, passionate about what came out from your city in terms of music, literature, architecture, culture in general.. but please don'ask what's wrong about mafia t-shirts, come to live a while in Italy, and then you'll understand...
I need to know.
What's the neon picture of? A massage parlor or a gay nightclub? (:
i like the mystery of that neon. but it's just a Chinese massage place.
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