Friday, January 21, 2011

*Everyday Chatter

Hideous Jumbotron hotel promises to spawn more like itself on the Bowery, aka "epicenter of cool." [EVG]

See Schmatta, a history of the Garment District at IFC 1/25. [IFC]

Zenith, a Brooklyn "Blade Runner," plays at KGB. [LM]

New Coney investor to bring healthy Luna Park Café to boardwalk and pay "tribute to the long history of Coney Island with memorabilia and tributes from local residents and visitors from around the world." So...they tear down the real thing and put up a fake. [ATZ]

Billy Leroy can't sell real subway signs, but this guy can make and sell replicas. [NYT]

A glimpse back at Dave's Luncheonette on Canal. [D40]

On the Bowery: "Free Stuff, No Bedbugs!" [BR]

"Gene-morphing bedbugs now virtually indestructible." [RS]


Melanie said...

Dave's Luncheonette. I must say--that corner is not the same. Egg place.

glamma said...

horrible news about coney, and it just keeps coming. sodexho food is overpriced, disgusting, unhealthy, chemically-laden CR@P and they want nothing more than to maximize profits for their shareholders at the expense of their customers (or should i say their VICTIMS). this is probably one of the worst vendors in the world. a shame and an insult to all of coney island. i am sick to my stomach reading this. BALANCED MEALS my @$$!!! i hope they fail, and fail miserably. how could the city let this happen with a corporation that has screwed them PERSONALLY, and quite substantially! it is so corrupt what goes on between the developers and the administration. shocking. shameless. APPALLING. and Wrong.

Anonymous said...

You know, Houston and Bowery is starting to look more and more like Times Square. Soon Disney will open a theatre and boot out the last remaining off broadway one's and the takeover will be complete. Way to go guys! Score another one for the team.....jerk offs.