A gaggle of girls came in to Mars Bar. One ordered a watermelon-flavored vodka with soda. By some chance, the watermelon was in stock, but had probably been sitting there for years.
She was horrified to find fruit flies in her drink and sent it back. The bartender held the glass to the light and just said, "Huh."
Another patron recommended the girl get a beer since that comes in sealed bottles. She insisted on a fresh drink from the same vodka. There were flies in the bottle.
We cheered and said that was lucky, but she walked out, leaving her jaw on the floor behind her.
Yeah...Get rid of the hipsters!!!
Jeez, now YOU people hate watermelon-flavored vodka too?
viva la mars bar!
The girls should have been glad that the bartender didn't charge them extra for the fruit flies.
Also, they probably thought they were at Superdive.
And talk about super dive bar, then Mars Bar, it is.
I need a drink.
She thought it was some Disney Land hipster bar, like the graffiti was painted over night. She was wrong.
Flies are either a sign of luck..or that the girl herself was SATAN.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's amazing. I hope she went home and called her 3 best friends about it, so they stay the hell out of there, too.
I have a different reaction to everyone else here. I think it's kind of gross that the Mars Bar had fruit flies and kind of against health code violations as well. Yes, it's a gritty place, and that's part of NY culture, blah blah blah, but is it too much to expect the drinks be drinkable, since we're like paying for them and all? And how do we know this girl was a hipster? She was a girl. Who wanted a drink. In a bar. Why should we be making fun of her? And even if she was a hipster who wanted to be in the Mars Bar, so what? She has a right to be there just as much as anyone else, as long as she wasn't being obnoxious, disturbing the other customers.
Just my two cents.
For real....she didn't wanna drink fruit flies? What's wrong with this girl? She's almost singlehandledly responsible for everything wrong in this city. Her and Bloomberg.
Is nothing sacred?
Anon 2:53-the point is not the health code violation.
Can there not be one freaking place downtown where a person does not have to be assaulted by the thought of the disney-fication of our city?
A normal place to sit down, mind your business and drink a damn beer or shot of whisky.
You dont see me going into Super Douche or Ham Boy Corner.
Fruit flies repulse me far less than a gaggle of those shrieking "whoo" girls. You know, the ones who incessantly scream "whoooo!" at the top of their lungs to proclaim their state of intoxication to whomever is unfortunate enough to be within earshot. Dead fruit flies in your drink may be a nuisance, but they're a far quieter and therefore more conscientious nuisance than the much larger and ravenous insects infesting our neighborhoods and now apparently our last refuges.
I'm pretty sure this girl wasn't a hipster. A hipster would know better than to order a watermelon vodka drink at mars bar.
Also, I'm pretty sure Mars Bar probs could be categorized as a pretty legit hipster bar at this point. While there are some old drunks in there, a large part of the clientele is young kids (like myself when I was underage) going there to try and experience part of new york that no longer really exists. It's not like the majority of the kids at mars bar are "authentic," they just like the bourgeois punk lifestyle, and I think we need to recognize that aspect here. Not that I think there's anything wrong with that.
That being said, I hope the type of girls that order watermelon vodka at mars bar stay the fuck out of there.
Yea that will show that women and all her good looking friends to stay out of the bar!
Wait... what?
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