Big Red Moon
You could get one like it via ebay for as little as $400 if you're a lucky bidder. It was made in very limited numbers by a Japanese company called CRM Toys.

Just think of all the fun you could have with this guy in Wolfson's miniature city.
You know, if you wanted to stay home and never go out there, pull down the shades, order lots of pizza. That sort of thing.

Alan Wolfson, St. George Hotel, 1994
Think of the accessories for this action figure... Like, a sign that says, "One of these days I'm gonna get organezized."
It is my dream to live out my days in my crappy apartment stuffed with action figures and matchbox cars, playing the CB3 Drinking Game.
When will the Blog Mafia dolls be available? Is there a pre-sale site?
@Goggla Ha!
Actually, Jeremiah is holding up the project. He can't find the right shade of pink for his popped-up collar doll shirt.
actually, Grieve is the one holding up the doll project because he can't get the pleats on his sandstone Dockers to puff out in such a way as to properly accentuate certain aspects of his "bloghood."
Blog Mafia Dolls--I like that--my doll needs exchangeable hats and glasses and would like a Leica miniature camera.
Here is a man who stood up.
exchangeable hats and glasses for sure! and Goggla's gets an eyepatch. mine needs 6-pack abs.
good name for a band "mafia dolls"
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