A summer day in Washington Square Park--the road to Hell looks like the lost New York--adult bookstores! X-rated videos! (Click here to see close-ups.)
"This morning at 5:30 am, Thor Equities work crew continued demo and asbestos abatement work on the doomed Henderson Building across from Nathan’s in good old Coney Island." [ATZ]
Marco's LES gateway mural is gone. [BB]
On Ave B, Billy Hurricane's looking to hire Hooter's and Coyote Ugly types--but less sketchy. [EVG]
Watching the changes on Great Jones. [TGL]
Remembering the 1990s in New York. [COS]
A gorey indie bookstore battle rages on Long Island. [NYT]
What's squawking above the Spingler Staples? [FP]
Thank you for the link to the post about the 90's. New York was still a great place then.
Interesting that the author noted how black culture in many ways set the tone for the city. I tend to think this gets ommitted often from the dialogue about how much the city's changed, nightlife, slang, etc.
We used to be unique.
"At the beginning of the decade, NY was my escape from a Montreal in deep and prolonged recession, a whirl of energy, people, contrasts. Fabulous architecture, bridges, industrial might. "
That is funny. In the Aughts, I took to going to Montreal on many weekends to escape from New York.
In the 1990s, New York was still a free city. Now it isn't. That really is the big change.
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