Teens today "do not have much sympathy for alienated antiheroes." They're a generation of joiners. So to Holden Caulfield they say, "Shut up and take your Prozac." [NYT]
Grieving the loss of beloved white cat in the East Village. [NYT]
Anti-ramen graffiti saves the day. [EVG]
No Longer Empty storefronts are art galleries at the Chelsea. [LWL]

photo: Softies Central, JVNY flickr pool
A building collapses on Myrtle Avenue. [NYT]
Track down a mystery of Diamond Jim Brady. [GLF]
If a tree falls in Brooklyn, does anyone listen? [ENY]
Mark your calendars:
6/26, 7pm: Attend the 24th annual AIDS Candlelight Vigil in Greenwich Village, at Sheridan Square Park and Christopher St.
Check out the "Indigenous" show--art by native New Yorkers--at the City Reliquary, 7/1 - 8/15.
Labor Day weekend brings a Rockabilly & Burlesque Festival to Coney Island.
Jeremiah, can't find the Indigenous show on their website. Can I buy a clue?
Catcher in the Rye was a godsend in my tenth grade English class back in the 80s.
Holden Caulfield was the kind of character that spoke to me at the time. I could not get with Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Voltaire or whoever else.
I re-read it for the 2nd time just a few months ago and it cracked me up...some of Holden's lines are too much. At age 16, the book felt very honest and subversive. At 40, it felt honest and hilarious
I dunno. My 15-year-old daughter embraced Holden this year with all the enthusiasm I did when I was her age. Hamlet too. She even wrote a play in which they meet and talk about the meaning(lessness) of life. Seems like the anti-hero may be alive and well.
baha, that's all i know. opens july 1 at the reliquary, and it's art by native NYers.
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