Yves is giving its last remaining units the hard sell with this big billboard: "extraordinary finishes!" "forward thinking architecture!" "valcucine kitchens!" Valcucine? Sounds like a herpes medication:
Speaking of herpes, Cooper Square Hotel gets a new nickname: The Dildo of Darkness. [EVG]
Last night's CB4 meeting heard Barroco Cafe's request for a liquor license--did anyone go? How's my Emerman prediction holding up? Either way, the place is coming along fast and fancy.
Real World to ruin Brooklyn. [Gothamist]
Bob catches an old EV tradition--plugging your trash TV into the lamppost and stealing a little entertainment from Con Ed. Nice. [NMNL]
Wish I was at the Chelsea to see this smackdown--there were stun guns! [NYO]
And I wish I was at this splendid sidewalk Sinatra tribute right now! [NYShitty]
I was just going past this way-East 14th Street R&S Strauss place thinking, I gotta check that out--too late: It's on the market for $13 million. Hello MePa East. [Curbed]
It's official: Marc Jacobs has turned the Village into "a precious, pricey, overpopulated, well-corduroyed, bubble-skirted dreamland." [NYO] via [Racked]
The interior gutting of landmark Stuyvesant Polyclinic turned rock-and-roll mansion of death continues at breakneck pace, after the owner got spanked for bolting signs to the exterior:
J, today's Everyday Chatter is upsetting. I need a Valium; have you got Betty Ford's number? Can't wait till Marc Jacobs becomes sooooooooo yesterday, as they say in the malls. Just a matter of time. How many hotels does NYC have now?
LES Question: in the movie Married to the Mob, Michelle Pfeiffer takes her son and his dog, and moves to the LES. Anyone know where her walk-up was located?
Anonymous--The salon she worked in was on Clinton Street. Not sure about the walk-up.
Thanks! Think the salon was across from her walk-up!
J, I heard someone has written a play or musical called "The Devil Wears Flip Flops"; maybe B'way can interrupt the revivals and stage it.
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