The much beloved Ray's Candy is in imminent danger of being padlocked and seized. [NMNL]
Check out "Downtown Pics" at the Grey Art Gallery. [Stupe]
Ghost town on 13th Street. [EVG]
The Bowery goes from sinister to cheerful--94 years ago. [BB]
Cathryn Swan, blogger behind Washington Square Park blog, is writing a book. Check out her book blog for ways you can help her get it published. [CW]
Cat found on 5th Ave and 11th St--"Is she yours? Or would you like her to be?" Call Maury:

Ray's has the best milkshake in the city. I couldn't pay my rent either and I needed a milkshake. This is depressing.
Thats the third or fourth subway that has tried to open in the west v. Can't imagine it will be there very long.
We have to do something for the beloved Ray! If everyone gave a small amount of money, maybe he could be saved.
Alphaville, the quirky retro-futuristic store across from the Film Forum on Houston street, is closing at the end of the month.
@Anon...there's another Subway on 7th Ave just a block or two north of St Vincent's. Can't recall how long it's been there. The franchise owner of that store was surprised when I told him about another store opening nearby. He said he wasn't worried though because most of his customers come from the hospital
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