Monday, June 9, 2008

*Everyday Chatter

What time is the Friday the 13th demonstration at Bowery Wine Co? The fun (poetry, performance, pigs) starts at 8:00pm. [NMNL]

Moondance Diner gets Tyvek'd in Wyoming. [Urbanite]

I am happy to announce the new International Bar is open, it's cool inside, it's comfy, and cans of Schaefer can be had for $2.00. Here is my first:

Sometimes, miracles do happen. That block of vanished businesses on 6th Ave between 17th and 18th has just received a trashy lingerie shop, complete with a sign that features two ladies in mid-spanking. The residents of 100 W 18th paid $1400 a square foot to live next to this and that feels good:

Remember in the early 1990s when the porno marquees of 42nd Street were covered in haiku? Here they are, postcards collected in book form.

Times Square in the early 90s was a perfect blend of art and smut. Take a trip back to those bucolic days on the Deuce with Creative Time's Archive. The one I remember most was a big videotaped mouth asking, "Do you wanna buy a piece of the American dream?" I did not know it heralded the sanitized mall that was coming. I was so innocent then.

Paul Berger's got a story about the Chelsea in the Guardian of the UK--he talks about Ed Hamilton of Hotel Chelsea blog and the eviction of Jann Paxton, old-time Chelsea rocker. [ENY]

Remembering the 16 who've died this year so far in the "building of a new New York." [NYMag]

Rolando finds one of the last yellow street signs from the 1970s. [Urbanite] ...he also grabs a shot of this great old clock--did we cross paths there recently?

So what's replacing the long-defunct Cold Stone Creamery on 2nd Ave and 9th? I imagined a Red Mango, but it's yet another fro-yo chain: the DIY 16 Handles. Is this supposed to appeal to all us Gen-X fans of John Hughes movies? (PS: They're paying $170 a sq ft, that's over 20k a month, plus the basement.)


Anonymous said...

I'm also pleased to see that the art/frame shop on that block of 6th ave has relocated to a bigger space down the street between 16th/15th, next to the deli. That space was empty for a long time so I'm glad to see it finally occupied again, especially by a neighborhood business.

Anonymous said...

Two genuine new establishments opening back-to-back on your blog? Perhaps....dare I say it.....these are ever-so-faint harbingers of this city turning back? God, I can only hope.

The Bowery Boys - Greg said...

I would love to live next to a Tic Tac Toe lingerie store! Living in the city should be all about bizarre juxtiposition.

Jeremiah Moss said...

i'm with you there, greg!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, $170 per ft at 1,200' comes out to (a still) unsustainable $17K per month!!


Anonymous said...

A fro-yo shop named 16 Handles? With a catchy name like that, it's sure to be a hit! Did I miss something, here?

Anonymous said...

I don't get that store's name. We Gen-Yers are so far away from our 16th candle that we can go eat some fro-yo and put on our 16th love handle? - BN