Jim's landlord, S.L. Green, is denying them a new lease and handing their space over to Walgreens, so the neighboring Duane Reade can expand its already large, block-through space. Once again, sky-high rents and the chaining of New York is pushing out our local culture.
Please sign (and share) this petition to save Jim's.

If you'd like to do more, please write to S.L. Green, letting them know you want Jim's to stay. Write to them electronically by clicking here, or via regular mail:
S.L. Green
420 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10170
Tel: 212-594-2700
You can also write to Walgreens and tell them you don't want them taking over Jim's. Write to them electronically by clicking here. Or via regular mail:
Walgreen Co.
200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
Or write directly to the Duane Reade store in question:
41 E 58th St.
New York NY 10022
Tel: 212-421-4880
Sample texts--feel free to edit, etc.:
Dear S.L. Green:
It has come to my attention that you have denied a lease renewal to your long-time tenant Jim's Shoe Repair on East 59th Street. Jim's is a beloved fourth-generation business that has been on this block since 1932. I understand that Duane Reade will be expanding into Jim's space. As a New Yorker, I am tired of seeing corporate chains take over our small mom-and-pops. Duane Reade and Walgreens already take up enough of the city's real estate. I'm writing to ask that you negotiate a new lease with Jim's, at a fair price and for a significant length of time.
Dear Walgreens:
Your Duane Reade store #14117, located at 41 East 58th Street, is scheduled to expand its 59th Street frontage, taking over the space currently occupied by Jim's Shoe Repair. Jim's is a beloved fourth-generation business that has been on this block since 1932. If your store expands, Jim's will be out of business. As a New Yorker, I am tired of seeing corporate chains take over our small mom-and-pops. Duane Reade and Walgreens already take up enough of the city's real estate. I'm writing to ask that you back out of this plan and do not take over Jim's space.
I sent this e-mail, didn't have lots of time...
Dear SL Green,
Here is an opportunity to actualize your best self, to contribute something decent and lasting to NYC, and to distinguish yourself amongst the crowd of insatiable, landscape indifferent, culturally violent landlords in the city. Please help us save Jim's Shoe Repair. Leave behind both a legacy of financial prowess and as a champion of Manhattan's small businesses. Help us preserve the value such enterprises bring to the community and the life of our great city. You may be rewarded in ways you could never imagine.
Mark Green is the brother of Steve Green of SL Green. Had Mark been elected mayor, I wonder what his reaction would be. Jimmy's is the best. They were a lifesaver for me for the several decades I lived in NYC. Now, it's Topsiders and flip-flops.
My suggestion when writing to Walgreens would be to tone down the rhetoric and not display open hostility to them as a "corporate chain". To do so will given them the idea that you (and the other supporters of Jim's) don't shop there anyway. This is what I sent:
Your Duane Reade store at 41 East 58th Street is planning to take over the space next door, currently occupied by Jim's Shoe Repair. Jim's has been on this block since 1932 and will be evicted If you execute this plan. Surely Duane Reade can be a good neighbor, not only to the smaller businesses in the same building, but also to Jim's customers, who are, after all, your customers as well.
mitch: 100%, we need to be diplomatic.
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