Well, now they have a tenant.
One of those ubiquitous, opportunistic Halloween shops has moved in, filling the place with Jason masks and slutty nurse costumes. It's an indignity that many of our vanished have been forced to suffer in the fall. Of course, it's just temporary. Undoubtedly, something far worse will come along.
Thanks to Marion who sent in the photo. She writes, "The landlords will make a quick buck on the depressing 'Spirit' Halloween pop-up from now until October 31. Will the space finally be taken over by a TD Bank? A Rite-Aid (Duane Reade is on the same block up Broadway)? Fucking New York 2013."
May it stand empty thereafter and haunt the greedy landlord's bank account evermore.
The same halloween shop opened in the old Food Emporium space at 6th Ave & W. 12th St.
Marion says: "Fucking NYC 2013."
I'd go a step further:
Fucking USA 2013.
If you live in an interesting or attractive city, and if there's a buck to be made by exploiting it a million thoughtless, heartless ways, some variation of NYC's fate is your fate too. It's only a matter of time.
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