But luck has changed. Maybe the Village's landlords are getting tired of hanging on to empty storefronts. Maybe rents have really become more affordable again. Because Nusraty Afghan Imports celebrates its Grand Re-Opening today.
Welcome Mr. Nusraty back to the neighborhood. Located at 113 West 10th Street, between Greenwich Ave. & 6th Ave., you can also find the shop at their website.
Comforting to see that it's possible to run a small biz in Manhattan still, and now. Unfortunately the cloned crowds are trying to take over McDougal Street. Notice the street ha been paved, and that Minetta-Ugh. They want the whole street.
Didn't I tell you this would happen? Expect more resurrections over the coming couple of years, as well as interesting new mom&pops.
Alas, the landlords re still in trouble - the chain store Armageddon is due this year.
I am glad.
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