That signage is now up:
We also heard the rumor that Chase might be keeping the antique neon sign and re-doing the letters so it spells out CHASE instead of COFFEE SHOP.
That signage is now gone. Whether or not it returns is anyone's guess.
a.k.a. The Book of Lamentations:
a bitterly nostalgic look at a city in the process of going extinct
Thanks again for the mroning dose of depression... I found the Coffee Shop great for the eye candy, but I never wanted it to become a Chase. In the words of Jerry Seinfeld - that's a shame.
It's obvious that Chase needs a bank at this location. The closest branch to here is on 14th and 5th, and that's over 1000 ft away!
The 14th and 5th branch is not as close as the 13th and Broadway branch.
If only they kept the bar a served alcohol.
While I fully agree that the loss of a longstanding business is unfortunate, and that another bank brach contributes nothing to the fabric of the city, I think it's worth putting things in perspective and being truly thankful for what HASN'T been taken away. In this case, while the Coffee Shop may be gone, we still have the wonderful neon sign on the corner of the building as well as the relatively untouched facade.
Believe me, I mourn the erosion of our city's independence from gentrification deeply as anyone who has grown up here, but we have to be realistic or we'll all be in a constant state of misery. In this instance, a determinedly un-special and unimportant restaurant has closed. What was special was the neon sign and the overall look of that mid-century building, both of which remain.
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