1. On Christmas Eve we got the terrible news that Skyline Books will be closing. Their last day has been set for Jan. 31. Now, as they get close to closure, their 50% off sale has turned into a 75% off sale:

Also their cat, Linda, will be homeless when the shop shutters, Gothamist reported. Writes the owner, "She's a book store cat, and there just aren't any left, book stores or book store cats. it's very sad." Yes, it is.
2. Last week, the Biography Bookshop on Bleecker and 11th closed. They've already moved into their new spot further east at BookBook and Marc Jacobs will be moving in to their 25-year-old location.

3. Finally, also on Jan. 31, Left Bank Books is leaving West 4th Street. At least they'll still be in the neighborhood, moving in next to Chocolate Bar on 8th Ave. and Jane-ish. They're having a 70% off sale, with lots of other discounts.
This West Village bookstore is still going strong: http://unoppressivebooks.blogspot.com/
Terrible news.
and a fourth--Sat. was the end for Urban Center Books at the Muncipal Art Society--according to their website, they will reopen in fall.
"Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books."
That would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic and dangerous.
Dangerous? A bookstore name?
Are you utterly humorless, or just a coward?
They're a fantastic remainder shop. But remainders don't make up for the decimating loss to Manhattan book culture the vanishing of the used stores.
What happened to the cross dressing, 80 something, chorus boy with plastic flowers in his window box?
"That would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic and dangerous."
Ha! How dangerous!!
Buddy, it's not like the story is called "Revolutionary Bloody Death Triumph of the Unopressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books"
But I guess it's still wrong to imply that people should have a negative opinion of opression & imperialism.
Three closings - ouch! At least two are relocations. And such a bummer about the unemployed cat. I love working cats (and the book of the same name). Mine would really love a job but he's yet to find gainful employment.
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