From avant-garde to credit cards, where once was theater on the Bowery, there now is high-end shopping. [Racked]
Now the birds are imitating cell-phone rings. When will it end? [NYO]
Somebody please tell me where I can get my very own "I Miss NY" t-shirt! [Gothamist]
"Gay Chelsea's ground zero" Food Bar is closed. Why? Signs plastered in the windows today say "It is all about the R-E-N-T." The closure has inspired funereal candlelit memorials and a "gay Italian entrepreneur" (according to a Towleroad commenter) flying in with a suitcase full of Euros to save the joint:
Yes, NY Mag, those models on Stuyvesant Town's new marketing site are indeed hateful. And so is the copy: Downtown is their town and they don't have to commute to their nightlife in the EV--where they come to my block to scream all night and puke on my doorstep. [Daily Intel]
And a dorm is born in the EV for yunnie kids who want to party til they puke in their fishbowl apartments--wait, is that a plastic-mattressed communal bed on the roof? [Curbed]
More scoop on the Stuyvesant Polyclinic and its defacement by developers--those "Buy This Mansion" signs were "in gross violation of the Landmarks Law." The interior is being demolished at this moment. [Villager]
Bowling sounds its death rattle as it vanishes, lane by lane, from the new New York. [Gothamist]
Pics of LES Jewels flashing his penis on Avenue A give me hope for the city yet. (Not so work safe.) [NMNL]
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