Gird your loins--here comes the glassy corporate monster about to land on Astor Place. IBM and Microsoft drones are on their way! The Battle for Astor Place rages on! [Curbed]

E. 9th Street turns 1960s for a Coen Brothers movie. Wish the bookstore was real. [EVG]
More neighborhoods are trying to zone out the chain stores. [Curbed]
Brooklyn parents are getting their kids hooked on little Babyccinos--customers of future Starbucks. [Eater]
I rather have IBM/Microsoft drones over lawyers and ibankers.
i think those folks will be coming in, too.
In the name of all that's holy, please tell me this isn't real.
Of course it is real - who could even make this shit up?
Let us pray that something will prevent the Death Star from becoming fully operational. If it even lasts that long, the glass box will be to our bankrupt system what socialist realism was to the Soviet Bloc; sadly, even many of those relics had at least some innate aesthetic appeal. The generation raised on "babycinnos" will inherit a cultural wasteland.
Babyccinos? And I thought the iphone commercial with the hypnotized little boy gaping open-mouthed at its tiny screen was creepy....
that building is horrifying.
Just when you think we, as a society, cannot possibly sink any lower... Babyccinos.
I don't even know what to say about it because nothing I say can describe the vacuum that hearing that word creates in my soul.
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