As the Daily News reported at the time, "Thor Equities purchased the building on the corner of Washington and W. 13th Sts. in 2013 for about $100 million, and when Hogs’ lease expired last year, the proposed rent jumped to $60,000 a month, from $14,000."

photo: Orchard View
Here's what the once brassiere-cluttered and colorful honky-tonk bar looks like today.

And the inside...

Talking about Thor Equities and its boss, Joe Sitt, Hogs co-founder and owner Michelle Dell told the Daily News in 2015: “They don’t give a shit. At the end of the day Thor is a company that deals with chain brands. They make a big display of how honored they are to be in a historic neighborhood, but then they decimate everything that made it historic. What are you going to put in, another Le Pain Quotidien?”
Looks like it.
We can always hope that at some point the chains are persuaded (a) that they already have enough outlets, and/or (b) that they're being morons paying these rents. There may be some signs that these realizations are starting to take shape, as one can see numerous properties (like this one) that have sat vacant for years. There are several in my neighborhood. But the landlords that are sure they're sitting on a gold mine have thick skulls to get through.
More of the same. Sad to think its disappearing so fast, throughout the city and seems like nothing can be done to stop it. "say goodbye to what you know"
I suspect it's going to be interesting in the years ahead, as the tax abatements come off, to see both residents and business owners flee the city......
Very sad every time I visit NYC after growing up there...another landmark closes their doors due to corporate bs. First CBGB's, then googies and second coming records, Kenny's castaways and then the one that broke my heart Bleeker Bob's and now Hogs and Heifers.. Why can't one of these rich actors, musicians recognize this and step in and save..NYC is losing what made it so great
Thor Equities are corporate criminals - they care about nothing but profit. They purchased a once thriving beach front outdoor mall on Fort Lauderdale Beach and have through neglect turned it into one of the few locations in all of Broward deemed a nuisance property (usually reserved for abandoned homes turned drug dens) - bathrooms that were once the best on the beach are vile disgusting spaces with scratched metal instead of mirrors. Rent is so high that half the building is empty. Out went unique quality stores - in came Crocs and CVS (into what was supposed to be a place of entertainment on the beach). They hire low rent security that got involved in crime. If it says Thor on a situation -- you know no good will come of it.
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