Monday, June 1, 2009

*Everyday Chatter

Another wilding attack at Tompkins Square Park. [NMNL]

Astroland star to find a new home in the Smithsonian. [ATZ]

What would happen if 100 gay men attacked the noise problem from hotels on the LES? Cat-shit bombs away! [JMG]

Pain and suffering found caused by "UGG-style boots, skinny jeans with thongs peeking above the belt [and] handbags with tiny dogs nestled in them." [ABC]

Theatre 80 to stay a theatre. [EVG]

An interview with one of my favorite nostalgic cartoonists, Seth. He'll be at the Strand, 6/4, with Adrian Tomine. [Gothamist]

In Brooklyn's Clinton Hill, luxury condos have been deemed "NOT WELCOME" by one passing graffitist:

photo from Alex Kane

The Times visits Greenpoint and shows how the G train saved this neighborhood from overdevelopment. [NYT]

The tragic and horrifying future of books: "two blond women in tankinis handed out nonalcoholic margaritas and more potent piƱa coladas to a steady stream of conventiongoers who stopped by to watch demonstrations of the new [e-reader] devices." [NYT]

A look at 7th Street's Surma Books & Music. [NYT]

The city loses another independent bookshop. [NYT]

Overparenting may be coming to an end with the boom economy. Will we then see a decrease in narcissism, too? [NYT]

How the malls of America are suffering. [NYT]


  1. "Skinny jeans with thongs peeking above the belt."

    This has also caused many men to crash into parked cars, walk into traffic while drooling and get slapped in the face by their girlfriends. It's a dangerous world out there!

  2. Let's do something about the violence in the neighborhood.

    I started a quick blog at There, I've posted a flyer to print out and post around the neighborhood, along with a plan of action.

    We can't let our neighborhood be taken over by thugs, and we can't let some of our most vulnerable people -- the homeless folks who hang out in the park -- be attacked by ruffians.

  3. A very sad day on the UWS as we learned that Sal of the venerable Sal and Carmine's on Browadway between 101st/102nd passed away last week.


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