Monday, June 19, 2017

Talk of the Town

For the past 10 years, since July 2007, I've written this blog openly under a pen name. Now, as my book is about to publish on July 25, I figured it's time to come out of the blog closet. A decade is long enough.

I tell my story to Michael Schulman in this week's New Yorker magazine, on the pages of the "Talk of the Town."


  1. Welcome out of the blog closet!

    And congratulations on the book!

  2. You were such an antic figure in your rubber nose, Groucho glasses, and deerstalker cap! And who can forget the year of the polar bear mask and the growly voice? I'd be lying if I said I won't miss your disguises.

    Am COUNTING THE DAYS till the release of your book. Love, and congratulations!


  3. Thank you Brooks. THOSE were the days!

  4. Wow, It's like the blog version of W. Mark Felt.

    Congrats on the reveal and the book.

    Now run for mayor, I heard the field is quite open.

  5. I've wondered if you were going to use Jeremiah Moss as a pen name in your book.

    Well, at least Schulman did not promise to reveal your identity and then made a 180°, unlike Loca Flocka who promised a blogger not to out him, yet she decided to do so anyway because, to quote her: "his decision to stay anonymous didn’t fully square with me.” And she now works for NPR. Journalism!

  6. Cosmo!!! No, seriously, welcome out. It's been a great 10 years of following the sad vanishing of this city.

  7. Whomever you are, and whatever you call yourself, thanks for taking on this great project. I left Greenwich Village in Feb. '08, and have relied on your blog for a sympathetic appraisal of the continuing degradation of my hometown by those who believe the only important thing is money. I sympathize with all my friends and former neighbors who are living in the midst of the Great Homogenization of NYC. I wish you tremendous success with the book and hope that you'll continue to do what you do.

  8. You're JUST THE BEST!

  9. Congratulations! By stepping out of your own shadow you will amplify your voice!

  10. Congratulations, and welcome to the world!

  11. Congratulations! I remember looking around in St. Marks bookstore wondering where you might be lurking! What a decade of blog writing - am really looking forward to reading the book.

  12. Griffin,
    Another great entry on your blog. Will buy your book.

  13. Congratulations, Griffin! Whether written under your actual name or your nom de plume, your blog has been invaluable. I'll be getting a copy of your book. (I also realize I may have just missed you in NYU's MFA--then MA--program in the mid-1990s, since I started it right as you might have been finishing up!)

  14. So glad to hear that your self-outing was so you could be more visible/active in fighting the good fight. Thanks for revealing yourself, and let's all do what we can to save the mom-n-pops (says "Mod Betty" as she has to go write an obit on the closing of a 50+ year old restaurant in Delaware... :-( ) / I've already got your book on pre-order from the independently owned bricks and mortar bookstore in the next town over, since we have no bookstore anymore here in our lil Pennsylvania town. Fight the power!

  15. Just back from a week in Michigan to find you've outed yourself. Now you wont have to keep all those confusing alternate identities in separate compartments.

    This brings your interests in old wooden phone booths into a whole different light!

    No need to duck into a phone booth when you want to post something in the future!


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