Friday, September 30, 2011

*Everyday Chatter

There are still characters on the streets of New York--but they are octogenarians. [TONY]

From our friend Romy, get your copy of the first issue of Housedeer, featuring Liza Condon, daughter of jazz great Eddie Condon. [HD]

Support things printed on paper--get to the NY Art Book Fair this weekend. [PS1]

Plywood on the Waverly Diner--the future looks bad and "Yuppies Go Home." [MAD]

So about that TV commercial where Commerce One Bank plays on all of our worst nightmares by turning the landmark St. Mark's Church into a Commerce One Bank... [EVG]

New York has only 5 statues of women. Where are they? [ENY]

A new wrapper on the old Village Paper--Jay Shells' mural had a good run:

Goodbye to the Fribbles and Fishamajigs of Friendly's. [Gothamist]

Drinking at the divey Rockaway Beach Inn. [Eater]

From the Fillmore to the (S)Limelight. [Stupefaction]

New Yorkers need to "help the banks," says Bloomie, not occupy Wall Street. [RS]

The demonstration grows as labor unions join the Occupation. [NYM]

Daily Show takes on pepper-spray cop and more. [NYO]


  1. Natalie Bartner might be the coolest lady in this city, old or young.

  2. re: st. marks "church bank". i could not open the video. but in saudi arabia, they put a huge bill board across from mecca. it was a gigantic armani advertisment. when they pray they can see the models...... i dont know which advertisment is there @present, im sure they rotate. also the billboards in other countries sometimes are hunrads of feet high. in your face. this time in your face w/the koran. mecca is one of the most scared places in the world. americans wake up, this is how things work. no one cares about the church. i dont know know if it has landmark status either. this commerical is an omen.

  3. to comment again: "church bank"- this advertisment will open up "new ideas". i mean that a developer will see it & the light bulb will go off. someone really should alert the landmarks people. yes i did open the video. back to the 3rd world: ive seen this exact thing where they do turn a church into a bank or a dominos or kentucy fried. so much for catholicism. dont say "it cant happen here......" yes the commerial gave me the creeps!!!

  4. The banks help themselves -- to bonuses and golfing retreats and fancy dining events. I don't think that's a surprise.

  5. I was just at the Rockaway Beach Inn last weekend, hoping it could be the new Mars Bar. The description was irresistibly divey, but in the end, it's way too clean. Immaculate. Lovely bartender, though.


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