Friday, July 10, 2009

*Everyday Chatter

On Joe Jr.'s closing, says one fan, "I’ve never walked by Joe’s without somebody waving at me... It was that for so many people. It’s a black hole now." [Villager]

Trendy, upscale food truck "ravages the empty husk" of Joe Jr.'s corpse. [Grub] ...Of that truck, says Friends of Joe Jr.'s: "of the 50 or so customers who've stopped by today, almost every one mentioned Joe's and how sorely it's missed. They knew about this fan page, the website, the greedy landlord."

Yetta Kurland, who takes on Christine Quinn for City Council, supported Joe Jr's. You can meet Yetta for brunch on Sunday. And here's documentarian Donny Moss' take on why Quinn needs to go. [youtube]

A new sculpture, "The Ego & The Id" by Franz West, is being installed at the foot of Central Park:

Cartoonist Seth has designed a George Sprott-themed tote bag for The Strand:

Admiral's Row to be paved for a parking lot and shopping center. [Curbed]

Texting and walking idiot falls into manhole. Entire city says, "Have a nice trip, seeya next fall!" [Gothamist]

Enjoy some punk art. [EVG]

More empty storefronts become more venues for art. [Gothamist]


  1. NYC is already over (it ended a long time ago) and now they are cremating the bones of what's left.

    Thanks Mike.

  2. Isn't it about time you start "Tweeting" on Twitter?

  3. i pray i never tweet. but there was a time i swore i'd never blog, so...

  4. They weren't so good.

  5. "Tweeting" on Twitter is for "Twits"-- don't do it Jeremiah. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

  6. I told you guys not to vote Rosie O' Donnell in for City Council.

  7. I was pretty shocked by the comments on Gothamist about the textwalking girl.

    One said, why was she the only one to fall through the hole? Actually she was the "only one to fall through the manhole" because they only left it open for a few seconds and she was the one to come along. I'll bet half of the people calling her an idiot and an asshole in that thread would themselves have taken the nestea plunge through the hole left there by the city and would be on the phone with their lawyers right now.

    This whole old city/new city thing has really gone OTT. I have a feeling that if 9/11 happened today Jeremiah Moss would cheer because "a bunch of yunnie traders" got killed in the attack. Teens make mistakes but this one was textwalking so it's hilarious that she got scared to death and hurt herself. Pretty scary times we're living in if that's yuck yuck material.

  8. OTT? sounds like a texting shorthand...

    15-year-olds do dumb things and it's certainly forgiveable. thankfully, she didn't kill herself. but had she not been texting, she would have seen the gaping hole in front of her. just like, if they weren't texting, the countless idiots who bump into me daily would not bump into me.

    texting and walking is a social problem. people should be more conscious.

  9. Young burgeoning Yunnie falls into sewer...nature is just thinning out the numbers I guess.

  10. Re Anonymous 6:19 the post only makes sense if you assume "textwalking" is normal and people should walk and text without having to worry about anything. No, the norm is that you should not be walking and texting, or using your cell phone, at all. When you walk, walk. If you want to call or text someone, do that, but you can't do that at the same time as walking without inconveniencing tons of other pedestrians, because you won't be walking very well.

  11. I agree with Anonymous 6:19.

    This girl is reaping the hatred and wrath incurred by hundreds of thousands of distracted, texting pedestrians. Dumping these frustrations all over this 15-year-old girl, who has been through a really frightening and painful experience, is out of line.

    As are all the hideous classist comments people are making about her on the Village Voice site. (She's trash, has no class, is going to end up waiting tables at a gentleman's club, etc.)

    This incident is turning up a really ugly, vicious underbelly in people, I must say. This girl is just the scapegoat for all this garbage.

  12. Oh, so that's who Yetta Kurlans is! i saw her march in the Pride parade... Christine Quinn awarded herself and mayor an extension of term limits... They ALL have to go! PS... You MUST tweet!


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