Thursday, June 15, 2017

Croman + Rikers

On E. 6th Street, someone has spray-painted a big yellow heart encircling the words "Croman + Rikers":

The graffiti refers to the local "Bernie Madoff of Landlords," as the attorney general called him. He is serving a year in jail at Rikers Island after being charged with 20 felonies.

(Thanks Michael Hirsch for the tip.)


  1. Funny - one reason that NYC went so little for Trump is that we know that people in Real Estate in NY aren't in "business" in the conventional sense. They are sleazy as a group, doing very little other than speculating and working their political connections. They don't even provide the services they're paid to deliver.

  2. Nice to know that crooked landlords can be incarcerated ! I thought they were untouchable in the new cleaned up New York !

  3. Thanks for reminding us that there's some justice at times, Jeremiah. It looks like another New York-New Jersey real estate tycoon, Jared Kushner, is in hot water now too. And the scheme that allowed his family to build in Jersey City is also under national and federal scrutiny!

  4. Twenty felonies and he gets a year? That's a slap on the wrist and in no way sends a message to other scumlords. The Rockefeller drug laws have put away more people for more time, for two ounces...


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