Monday, November 21, 2016

Lenox Lounge to...Sephora?

This morning I shared the news that the Lenox Lounge might be demolished completely. Now Harlem Bespoke offers the architect's rendering of what's to come (thanks Andrew)--and it's horrifying:

Horrifying. Right down to the architect's choice to depict Harlemites as rich Anglo-Saxon conquerors with cell phones, shopping bags--and formal wear.


  1. Who needs Dubai when you have all that cheezy made to order glitz right here in good O'l New York???

  2. This is horrible. Wow I don't know what to say.

  3. Wishful thinking: Maybe they are planning to put the new Lennox Lounge on the top two floors?

  4. It doesn't parse
    The fit is wrong
    O one more farce
    A sad blues song

  5. woohoo, I love Sephora!! bring on the gentrification!!!

  6. Stripping Harlem of it's ethnic roots?
    Now THAT'S gentrifying at its lowest!!

    1. I agree totally! I was born, and raised I. harlem. What has happened? Why can't we hold on to the pieces that has placed us on the history map?

  7. We are a disgrace. We have no respect for the past, for neighborhoods, for jazz music. We really are hated all over the world and with good reason.


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