Thursday, May 23, 2013

*Everyday Chatter

God's Love We Deliver is bringing a 14-story luxury condo to Soho, and it will be named after fashion mogul Michael Kors. The people are not happy. [Gawker]

On the New Bowery:

Coney Island Applebee's donates money and the use of their "private terrace" to the Mermaid Parade--how kind of them to "support" the culture they're helping to kill. [BW]

There's going to be a documentary about Streit's Matzo factory--and you can help. [KS]

Max Fish will be gone from the LES by July's end. [TLD]

On the demise of Joe's Dairy: “What we see happening in the neighborhood is hypergentrification."  [Villager]

Meet Eak the Geek. [EVG]

Say hello to Pretty, the Coney Island cat. [ATZ]

The illegal, unethical, immoral eviction of Willets Point continues. [CBS]

This weekend, tour Newtown Creek and have lunch at the Goodfellas diner. [OS]

Praising dairy restaurants at the B&H. [Tablet]

Karen Lillis on her New York novel. [BAB]

The Penalty--New York City, 1920, and the legless kingpin of the Lower East Side--at Dixon Place. [DP]

June 23: Check out the Punk & Underground Record Fair at Beauty Bar on E. 14th:


  1. We've seen throughout history that laws don't matter to governments. A good reason to follow your own path quietly and not deal with them.

  2. B&H: do they own the building? i suppose it is family run? jeremiah tell us about this. i ate there every day before school, i lived across the street. the food was amazing. you could get either very heavy rich food, or plain. real food, you know what you are eatting.

  3. That picture of the cell phone girls makes me so, so sad. They are so generic looking.

  4. the cell phone text/talk/check is just like pulling ot a cigerette. a nervous habit. when people are together, i assume they want each others company? guess not.

  5. What is Applebee's "trying to kill" again?


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