Tuesday, January 24, 2012

*Everyday Chatter

The East Village in chains: St. Mark's will have a 7-11 and 1st Ave gets its Subway. [EVG] [EVG]

A walk from Madison Square to Union Square. [FNY]

Pilar Montero's obituary. [NYT]

Meet Fanelli's Serbian boxer bartender. [Eater]

Alex in NY unearths a treasure trove of vintage Village photographs. [FP]

"In the last decade, the city that always (and somehow never) changes has shuffled itself all around. Notorious urban tundras are now upscale shopping zones. Areas that were once synonymous with exclusivity have given ground to mass-market chains." [WSJ]

Horse walks hiding in Greenwich Village. [ENY]

Today: fight against the seizure of books with the OWS Library at the Red Cube. [PL]

1 comment:

  1. I'm wonder if in 20 years when the NYC 7-11 goes the way of the Howard Johnson, someone will bemoan its loss.


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