Tuesday, June 21, 2011

*Everyday Chatter

Breaking news: UWS institution H&H Bagels is shuttering tomorrow--forever. [WSJ] via [Gothamist]

Since the East Village Miracle Grill shuttered in 2005, a condo has gone into their old garden and the space on 1st Ave has sat empty. Now a new tenant is coming in. It's a Ricky's:

Where to party in the East Village--in 1985. [ENY]

A guide to this summer's biggest, most heinous, neighborhood-changing developments in the East Village. [EVG]

A day at Mars Bar's last art show. [MAD]

Checking in on Pip, the young red-tailed hawk of Washington Square. [WSPB]

A "vanilla box" is unveiled on the Bowery as another light goes out in the lighting district. [BB]


  1. on why women and shoes -- "it's about want and not need..."


  2. RE: Where to party in EV; Aztec Lounge - that place brings back memories - they didn't really card too stringently, but then again, there wasn't such an epidemic of 17 year old UES and North Shore L.I. girls slumming it on a Friday night, drinking until alcohol poisoning set in, and screaming out of a limo sunroof to the degree there is now. Downtown hadn't yet been transofmed into a Sex and The City production set.

    I feel sad that the regular, down to earth 20 somethings of today will never get to experience what has been washed away. Now they get a sterilized faux version of gritty NYC, served with a side of artisinal cupcakes and organic rooftop cucumbers.

    Where, oh where, did our soul go? I think it jumped in front of the L train.

  3. Hard to imagine the Upper West Side without H&H, although I thought the same thing way back when Shakespeare books closed. As usual, I'm dreading to see what moves in there.

  4. I was 15 in 1985, so by definition I don't have nostalgia for any of the nightlife places listed by EV Grieve. But there does seem to have been more variety in nightlife then, and also a little later when I started going out. If you didn't like one place, it was OK because there was something else completely different downtown. Now, not so much, and we have become a smaller city.

  5. H&H..so sad to see it go. Loved that place.

  6. Speaking of H&H (and the UWS), I've long tried pinpointing where Shakespeare & Company was located. (I moved here in June of 2006.) I read it was across from the B'way & 82nd Barnes & Noble. Was it on an opposite corner or within a block?

  7. Shakespeare & Co., Upper West Side, were at the SW corner of Broadway and 81st, in the same block as Zabar's (and this back when the SRO was still on the 2nd floor of Zabar's). Prior to Shakespeare coming in, it was a different indie bookstore name of Bloomsday, if I remember right (and I may not, on that latter..that's going back thirty years...)

  8. Thank you, Jack. I had something of a feeling that's where it was - in what is now the Essentials Plus space.


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