Thursday, June 2, 2011

*Everyday Chatter

Sad news: Park Slope has lost its lovely DONUTS Luncheonette sign. [HPS]

Read about how the New Museum's director is accelerating change on the "eyesore" Bowery, catching it up to SoHo and Nolita by "attracting more upscale businesses, shoppers, and residents," and how the Ideas fest "had unwittingly managed to erase parts of the city we have now." [OC]

"It's not as easy as it used to be to run a bar on the Lower East Side. Between the growing chorus of noise complaints from residents and the new intensity of the NYPD's crackdowns on underage drinking..." the bars are starting to leave! [NYP]

The Korean grocer is vanishing from the city: "In 10 years, there will be no more Korean mom-and-pop stores." [NYT]

See Battle for Brooklyn, the story of the Atlantic Yards project, at the Brooklyn Film Fest 6/3. [LM]

See Vanishing City at the Staten Island Film Festival 6/10--it's free! [SIFF]

How does Greenwich Village balance the old and new? Find out 6/8. PLUS: Call 917-492-3395 or e-mail and mention “Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York” when making a reservation, and you get a discounted ticket. [MCNY]

A documentary tells the story of Nuyorican Miguel Algarin. [SS]

Are food trucks invading Alphabet City? [EVG]

Baha sends in this melancholy tune about Flatbush Avenue. [youtube]

Bensonhurst has a new blog--the Bensonhurst Bean. Check it out.


  1. The biggest eyesore on Bowery is that fugly museum. You know what I don't see much of anymore on Bowery? Smiles. I used to walk the length of it and be greeted by friendly smiles and hellos from all the business people. No more. Sad.

  2. where is the next place?? new york is not NY anymore. i wanted to read the NYTs article about vanishing korean grocers, the computer would not take me there. they were the best thing to happen. 24/7 shopping for fresh produce etc. guess i will read this in the TIMES web-page. other than seeing a few friends my activities in NyC will be more restricted. last visit was great, as i confined it to 2-3 small areas. that was during sleet storms & sub freezing temperatures (feb 09) to avoid tourists etc. i dont like skyscrapers ultra modern buildings tourists bad chain restaurants, mega museums, glorified college towns, repetitive box & chain clothing stores.....whats left? YOU tell ME.

  3. "where is the next place??"

    There is no next place. This stuff is happening at least all over the country, its just you can go places where it is happening less intensely. And remember part of the changes in New York are to make New York just like all of the other American cities, only more so.

  4. That's the most disturbing part of this M.E.V.( mass extinction event ). Turning NYC into Arlington into Boise into Atlanta into Tucson... identical stores for identical people talking on identical cellphones about their identical lives. How exciting.

  5. response to ED 11:25pm, its world- wide. im writting this from a city in mexico. i just saw the youtube video rap from arlington. if you took away the nice victorian houses in that one shot, it could be any new neigborhood in guadalajara, w/more trees. these malls are "chain malls" the facades are the same all over the world. for a second it looked like the front of "centro magna" or "andares" or "galleria" what the hell its all alike! its considered big status in mexico to shop in these middle class plastic malls. except, the USA has inventory, shipping, (bookstore)? here its useless. star bucks is not my cup of tea. (i mean coffee, & yes they are here & counting). most people under 55-60 here have not ever seen traditional architecture. most places in the world have NO historic society. but remember these places i speak of were like paris @ one time. (culture, tradition beauty). new york may follow in the footsteps, it can happen there! (parking lots anyone?) maybe not..... JVNY will tell us! (p.s. has anyone considered vermont)?

  6. i saw a video of a small town outside of nashville. southern blue collar factory workers & a few thousand somolians in traditional dress. the town looks like new york in east village/bowery 100 yrs ago. main street USA. no malls, no college, no yunnie crowds. im sure there are several dozen towns like this in "bluer" states. if the africans can migrate, then why not several thousand artist or internet people? thats the way things begin. the architecture was early 1900s but people were wearing burkas. add artists & new yorkers, its a win win.


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