Monday, February 7, 2011

*Everyday Chatter

Murray Hill...the new Times Square? As gentrification has changed the sex trade, Murray Hill is not only the city's frat-boy center, it's also a hotbed for the sex industry. [Wired]

If you missed the Most Literary Rent Party Ever last night, you can still make a donation to support novelist Charles Bock and his family. [HuffPo]

Remember the hybrid born when the Gristede's supermarket chain took over little Jefferson Market two years ago. Now tipster John DeFore sends the following photos showing the place has shuttered:

Jefferson Market was a landmark in the Village, opened in 1929. What will become of it now? "We're considering possibly reopening it as a Gristedes," said Catsimatidis to Fork in the Road.

Freddy's Bar reopens. [Grub]

Could the banished Munson Diner be returning to the city? [HPS]

Newcomers to East Village not even scared of Hell's Angels. [EVG]

The darkest pile of snow you will ever see. [NSC]

"I do love New York in many ways, but the idea of living in a city where the best you can do is to get rich and pay people to take care of the problems you face every day is kinda depressing." --Aaron Katz, director of Cold Weather. [LM]


  1. Reopening it as a Gristede's would be a shame. They'd need to work hard to get that extra-filthy, mismatched, and cracked linoleum look, plus import a lot of cheap 1960s-style fluorescent lights. Probably not worth the effort to create that highly distressed Gristede's look.

  2. '"I do love New York in many ways, but the idea of living in a city where the best you can do is to get rich and pay people to take care of the problems you face every day is kinda depressing." --Aaron Katz, director of Cold Weather.'

    This is a good quote, but Nora Ephrom and here set is a bit ridiculous. You can get through life here without paying for problems to go away, its just alot of hassle. And in recent times, you get less and less for the hassle.


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