The Chelsea Hotel is for sale--and doomed for "boutique" death. [Curbed]
Samsung targets EV on football Sundays--because the neighborhood is now full of football fans. [BB]
As people leave the city, "NYC has no time for whiny sob stories." [FP]
Get ready for a future city full of robots more glued to screens than ever before. [Gothamist]
Noisy restaurants make your food taste worse. [Grub]
The vintage signage of Greenport, LI. [LC]
No time for whiney sob stories--well when you are down or have been down--you what it is like. The people approaching this destination are way afraid of what is to happen to them next. Having been in both situations I have a grasp of this. Instead of just saying "when life gives you lemons make lemonaide"--I am grateful that I have lemons and can do something with them--just not to quote a phrase.Being creative really comes in handy. As far as gay bashing goes--that sucks.