Friday, April 16, 2010

Lora Tagged

This week, I reported on AOL News' Bill Morris' account of the removal of the Lora Deli graffiti mural, a decade-old piece on Avenue D.

Now Mr. Morris sends in the following photo of the gray-washed wall:

Graffiti photographer Karla Murray, says Morris, was prophetic when she predicted about the buffed wall's future: "it'll probably get covered over with tags--the kind of graffiti nobody wants."

Morris told me, "Less than 48 hours after she said that, a crew of no-talent taggers bombed the Lora Deli wall. Thank you, Mayor Bloomberg, for working so hard to improve the quality of life for all New Yorkers."


  1. The people who complained about the mural and blamed it for bringing a blight on the neighborhood must be happy with this lovely upgrade.


    In my earlier comment about the loss of the mural I made the same prediction -- that the brand new gray canvas would only invite sloppy taggers to deface the wall.

    Now we'll see a cycle of re-painting and tagging and re-painting, etc. and at great cost. The cost is not only financial (paint!) but psychological.

    what a drag. Congratulations on the anonymous posters who cheered the mural's demise. Let's hear what they have to say now?

  3. Somebody want to tell me why nobody wants "Hip Hop Underdogs" but REVS/COST is a city treasure?


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