Thursday, April 8, 2010


On Charles Street near 7th Avenue, through a locked and rusty wrought-iron gate marked 58A...

...there's a long and narrow passageway between two buildings...

...that leads to a secret yellow house with red trim. A wreath decorates on the door. A curtain hangs parted at the window. Who lives there?


  1. An Olsen twin?

  2. There are a lot o cottages you can't see in the West Village. I lived in a free standing cottage on W 12th St bet Greenwich and Washington for years. Gabled roof, working fireplace, and you had to walk through my garden to get to my from door. I'd bring over people who have lived in the village for decades and they would be blown away by it. 58A just happens to have an open alley, whereas at my old place it was seal with a door in the late 1920s when the cottage was built. The street buildings date to 1829...

  3. Oh. My. God. @ShatteredMonocle That comment made me laugh for a ridiculously long time

    I wonder what the value of the place is...

  4. Enter This Deserted House

    But please walk softly as you do.
    Frogs dwell here and crickets too.

    Ain't no ceiling, only blue.
    Jays dwell here and sunbeams too.

    Floors are flowers - take a few
    Ferns grow here and daisies too.

    Swoosh, whoosh - too-whit, too-woo
    Bats dwell here and hoot owls too.

    Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hoo-hoooo,
    Gnomes dwell here and goblins too.

    And my child, I thought you knew
    I dwell here… and so do you

    - Shel Sliverstein

  5. As recent as a few years ago the resident of the house was the son (or daughter) of the owner. I knew someone who lived in the main house which looked out on this adorable cottage which was small, needed work, but had what had to be at least a 1000 sq ft. yard. Now that's living!

  6. i'd love to live in a place like this. off the street, quiet, semi-secret. Anon 6:16, you're a lucky dog.

  7. Have you checked out the back house on 5th St, just west of 1st Ave?

  8. no, i haven't checked it out. sounds intriguing, though, thanks.

  9. haha, it's just the landlord who owns 54 charles

  10. There are back buildings all over the City. My family bought one in Boerum Hill Brooklyn a couple years back. We love the privacy. We have a terrific 1600 sq ft single family, and all you can see from the street through the easement are some flower pots I have set up.

  11. Eeewwwww, did someone really quote Shel Silverstein?


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