Friday, July 10, 2009

Albert & Sons


Albert's has been cutting prime meats on the Upper East Side for 48 years. It's a place where, wrote the Times, "Robert Moffa slices the steaks by hand just as his father did after he founded the store in 1961. A machine 'tears everything up,' Mr. Moffa said. 'A lot of my customers I’ve known since I was 8 or 9 years old, and I’m 50,' he said."

New York Eats called it "one of those old-fashioned butcher shops that are fast disappearing from the New York foodscape."

Now, according to a JVNY tipster, Albert's has vanished.

The tipster writes:

"the butchers Albert & Sons, on Lex at about 64th, just suddenly vanished without any warning. Early last week they were there, open as usual (but keeping their shorter summer hours, as who wouldn't?), and this past weekend I saw they were gated up and the windows papered over with a hand-markered sign saying they were closed permanently, thanks for the support for all the years, etc etc."

"I couldn't afford to shop there more than very occasionally, but everything they had was top-notch and they were as unfailingly friendly and helpful to me and my $12 as they were to the expensive matrons getting the finest roasts. I'm really saddened to see them go, the more so since the store next to them has *also* suddenly shut down (far less of a loss. Cutesy baby clothes.) and so I'm more than a bit afraid that the landlord is looking to do something awful."

That baby clothing shop was Le Sabon, carriers of cashmere teddy bears.

More New York butchers:
Chelsea Court
Pino's Meat Market
Albanese Meats & Poultry
Schaller & Weber
Kurowycky Meats


  1. Where, oh where, is Jeffrey of Essex Street Market on that list?

  2. If this pattern continues, the rich will have to buy their groceries in Duane Reade.

    Cashmere? The tots will have to learn to do without.

    Goodbye to all that ..... in the words of you know who.


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