Friday, March 20, 2009

*Everyday Chatter

Berman lays it all out--the hits, misses, and continuing challenges of fighting rampant development. [Villager]

The street artist known (sort of) as Beautiful Mary is now turning his wrath toward doctors. [BBoogie]

When condos don't sell, send out the pom-poms and short skirts. [Curbed]

Lou Reed has some harsh words for Bloomie: "Why would anybody in their right mind want to do something so ugly, so irresponsible, so disgusting other than Bloomberg and real estate people... You can't keep track of every last thing these thieves do." [NY1]

Citizens scream for AIG blood. [Gothamist]

Speculating on the future of Zips bodega at 5th and B. [EVG]

"It’s like they’re doing a replica of Chumley’s for Disney World...Maybe they’ll have a gift shop." [Villager]

1 comment:

  1. This is a call to everyone to please step outside the right vs. left paradigm. While there are important issues worth debating within this paradigm, all of them will be moot if we do not focus on a much greater issue outside this paradigm. Thomas Jefferson warned of wealth concentrating to such an extent that it threatened the state. Nowadays the media has taught us all very well to ridicule anyone who talks of central banks usurping the power of government. Well now I suppose the media will have to laugh at themselves, as many outlets from Newsweek to the Financial Times of London are openly discussing the creation of a "bank of the world" that will control economic policies of every nation. I invite you to watch this video, which details how this is currently taking place. While it focuses on our current officials' cooperation with these plans, it steps out of the typical political paradigm by highlighting the cooperation of both parties. Please do not look to politicians to protect us. Only we can protect us. And our first step must be to reach out to police and military. Without their cooperation, the global elite won't have the muscle to exercise their will of oppression. Please share this oath keepers blog with them.


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