Wednesday, February 4, 2009

*Everyday Chatter

More Signs of the Yunnipocalypse:
-Condo buyers abandon ship
-Restaurants kiss ass
-Landlords cry cataclysm!
-Bloomberg creates welfare program for Wall St's unfortunates
-"Madison Avenue...pockmarked with vacancies as retailers flee."

Chelsea Hotel resident
s prove there's still some crazy spirit left in this town. [NYO]

Memorial for Peeler Man this Saturday. [Gothamist]

The Holland Bar is open, after shuttering some months ago. [Grub]

In more sad diner news, the Miss Williamsburg after the fire. [Brownstoner]

Updike on New York: Uninhabitable. [NYT]

Is the city being attacked by UFOs, groundhogs, and Mrs. Butterworth? [Gothamist]


  1. What is it about New York City that attracts all of the hipsters?

    What is it about New York City that makes the hipsters feel that this is the place they need to be?

    Why cant they just rep the 1970s and the 1980s back in the midwestern cities they were bron and raised in?

  2. “We have to make absolutely sure that New York continues to draw and hold the world’s best and most ambitious strivers so we will continue to be the bastion of innovation,” Bloomberg said.
    Does he not realize that striver is most definitely a term of opprobrium?

  3. Hipsters ??!! What makes some hillbillie from the midwest hip ? These kids try way too hard to be "New Yorkers" that they just end up looking like idiots.
    My advice to the hipsters: Give up and go home.


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