Friday, November 14, 2008

Watching Willets Vanish

The city is snatching up Willets Point, wrestling and bribing the property from its rightful owners. And if that doesn't work, Bloomberg will simply steal it, just like he stole our democracy. I've written about Willets Point a few times and today seems right for a reminder of what is there--and what will be lost.

While some property owners have sold, the men of Bono Sawdust are staying strong. Says Jake on NY1, "There's 70 landowners out here and 250 businesses that the City didn't even talk to...we still own the land and we're not for sale and we're not going anywhere."

I visited the Bonos at their sawdust plant and you can read the interview here, then listen to what Jake had to say on the Brian Lehrer show.

The Bono boys: photos from my flickr

The Iron Triangle is not just a rough-and-tumble area, and it's not blighted. It's a thriving human social system where people work hard to sustain themselves in this city. Take a visit to the Iron Triangle.


Anonymous said...

I still don't understand the obsession with building a convention center somewhere in the city. Really? People aren't coming to New York because there isn't a big enough convention space? All the talk about this project being an investment in the future during troubled economic times is silly. With Wall Street imploding, you'd think the city would realize that driving out every last bit of industry is a bad idea. At least Queens will have its own Bloomberg-era hole in the ground to match the ones in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Anonymous said...

If we want to improve NYC. We will make sure Mike Bloomberg is NOT Elected for a third term.
WE really don't need a New Convention Center.
NY is growing huge glass & steel buildings. Many of which 6- 8 months ago untouchable. Today having New Tennant's Choosing their terms & prices. Other wise they remain Vacant.
Forcing remaining business to sell their property, abandon their lease for business's.
Putting All these people out of work. Are they a lesser class citizen then Blomberg's cronies?
The Auto Salvage business is a much needed industry in Hard Economic times.
If Bloomberg can't get his way he gets his Huge corporate business buddies to help push his way forward for him.
Make Him our Next EX Mayor!
Lenny Waller NYC

Anonymous said...

lenny you said it all