Monday, November 10, 2008

*Everyday Chatter

I guess "E4olution" isn't working out, because the bar that dare not decide on a name is going back to 2 by 4, draping a Bud Light banner over the old new name. Maybe "Ambiance" will make a comeback next:

Reasons for hope: The recession is hitting the "yuppies in the East Village," where the price of an apartment is dropping. [NYT] & [NYT] via [EVG]

William Eggleston retrospective opened at the Whitney this weekend.

Enjoy the murals of Washington Irving High. [ENY]

The new F trains are coming. [Gothamist] Here we see a new F train as viewed from the interior of an old F train:

I, for one, will miss the cheerful citrusy interior decor:


  1. I adore the F trains as they are now (even when late, and unable to sit down). I feel their orange seats and somewhat dim lighting match the mood I feel on that long trek to Coney Island.

  2. Gen Y < Gen X

    2000s < 1990s

  3. mike, me too. and, ironically, their decor is very trendy right now: orange and chrome with faux woodgrain. but even being back in style won't save them.

  4. Obama's NOT part of GenX. He was born in '61 at the tail end of the post-WWII Baby Boom generation that ran through at least '64. GenXers didn't start being born until '65 at the earliest.

    -- Jon

  5. re: Gen X. depends on the source. some put the beginning right at 1961. if that means we get obama, i'll take it.

  6. Ironic, isn't it? The very people you hate, and blame for gentrification of your city, i.e the yunnies, are the ones that helped get Obama elected. Where are their thanks?

  7. yo jeremiah, nim wah still looked closed when I was down there last week...

  8. thanks madman--what happened to old ken (of) mac?

  9. I am GEN Y.


    Gen X made NY much more exciting.

    Gen Y has made NY much more PUSSIFIED.

  10. I respect the writing on these posts too much to have it disgraced by the idiocy of a debate of generational definitions. Articles about Gen X, Gen Y, the Millenials, Gen O, Post-Boomers, etc... just lazy hack bs, by pathetic writers who aren't clever enough to actually write about something with sophistication. Every article you read has a different definition of every generation. None of them have agreed upon cut off / beginning dates. You know why? Because it's all BS. I'm born in 1981. Pop quiz: what generation am I? You'll get fifty different answers if you ask various cultural critics, writers, demographers, sociologists, etc... Some people say Gen X ends with people born in 1979, some say it begins with people born in 1982, some say 1980. Funny, because I don't think I'm of a different generation from my friends who are two or three years older than me, and nor my friends who are 3 or 4 years older than me. I'm not even that much different from my nephew's who are 9 and 10 years younger than me. So what the f*ck generation am I? Is a generation every 20 years? 10 years? Is it four years in each direction of your age, so everyone that was in high school with you at some point is in YOUR generation? What about them? There's gonna be constant overlap? Maybe a generation is defined by a massive event that shakes and shapes public consciousness? But doesn't that affect everyone, not just people of a certain age demographic? 9/11 affected everybody, not just people who "came of age." And should we just call this an "era." Let's stop this nonsense which wastes everyone's brain cells and time.

  11. to nycunnie--seems black people still have to clean up the "white man's"messes--

  12. New York has always been a Democratic town. No yunnie help needed.

  13. To knicksbasketballny -

    I'm a self-hating Gen-Yer. My generation is unfortunately defined by vacuousness, vapidity, conspicuous consumption, lack of worldliness or awareness of that which exists around them, and myriad other rather odious and loathsome earmarks of a backwards and sick generation. That said, I have little fondness for my predecessors in Generation X, as well. You guys were laying the groundwork for the degenerate culture that exists today while we were still in diapers. You guys bestowed a generation of Patrick Batemans upon the world and kept the ball rolling through the nineties. New York didn't die on our watch, it died on yours. We're simply piling more dirt on the casket. All the detestable yunnies scurrying about today took their cues from the first truly privileged "me" generation - Generation X. You thirty and fortysomethings got us into this mess in the first place. If you want somebody to blame I suggest you look into a mirror.

  14. Hey BOB.

    Reread what I typed again you idiot.

    I am GEN Y too.

    Now go back to Nebraska or whatever midwest state you came to NY from.

  15. Sure, Obama beats the alternative. But truly, JVNY, I am taken aback by your gushing over Obama. In the end he's just another centrist Democrat with signficant backing from Wall Street. Symbolism aside, in essence he will be on the national scale what arch-nemesis Bloomberg is on the municipal scale... just watch and see. After all Bloomberg was once a centrist Democrat himself! And frankly I'm quite surprised that no one on this blog has said as much.

  16. knicksbasketballny -

    I apologize for branding you a Gen-Xer. Still, I stand by my point - don't romanticize about a generation that had more to do with New York being in this situation than the one you bash.

    I'll also have you know I was born in Mount Sinai Hospital and have lived in New York City all my life. Read any number of my comments on this blog and you'll know exactly how I feel about the invaders from Nebraska and all other parts unknown.

  17. Obama is not a GenXer. As many influential experts and publications have repeatedly pointed out, Obama is part of Generation Jones, born 1954-1965, between the Boomers and Xers. You may find this page interesting: it has, among other things, excerpts from publications like Newsweek and the New York Times, and videos with over 25 top pundits, all talking specifically about Obama’s identity as a GenJoneser:


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