Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Varvatos Rocks CBGB's

A tipster sent me today's press release announcing John Varvatos' move into the former CBGB's space.

Varvatos nods to the Ramones -- at $110

To summarize, Varvatos is the right guy for this space because:

  • He is "known for infusing his personal passion for rock & roll into his acclaimed menswear collections"
  • He "has a real reverence for the history of the space and every intention of honoring its legacy"
  • He is an avid Led Zeppelin fan and "now features legendary rockers in his advertising campaigns"
  • "With a nod to The Ramones, Varvatos also collaborates with Converse on a line of sneakers and clothing."
  • The store will feature a "special merchandise mix geared to a rock & roll customer" such as "a stage permanently integrated into the store design"
  • PLUS: Alice Cooper says, "now all the old CBGB punks will become the best dressed CBGB punks in the world"


  1. $110 for a pair of Chuck Taylors? Why, when I was young, dodging the puddles of puke and piles of dog shit and steppin' over the piss-pantsed Bowery bums chugging Night Train out of a bag, you coulda got FIVE pair, plus money left over for whatever blow/snow/toot/nose candy or horse/smack/"H" you wanted, not to mention still being able to buy a Saturday night special off a guy down the block so's you could jack up the cabbie on the way home.

    I weep for my city.

  2. It is so lost on Mr. Varvatos that we (NYC musicians and our music spaces like CB's) have been forced out because people like him agree to pay the ridiculous, insane, disgusting rents that the likes of his corporate fashion empire dictate.

    Now he says he is making an "homage" to cb's. How nice... the rich man helping write our epitaph. Guess what Mr. Varvatos? We are not dead! Had you set foot just once in CB's in the last few years, you would have seen it still packed and alive. Now we are forced out by the likes of you, cause you have $40+++ grand a month to spare... but please don't hold the funeral for us and for CB's, just because we have been forced out. I don't think the new Bowery residents will attend, anyway. They mostly live upstate and just come into town to stay in their sterile glass condos for shareholder meetings. Or to shop for some duds at stores like yours.

    The ads featuring aging cock-rockers wearing overpriced generic clothes are lame enough. Now he has sealed things by helping stamp out the NYC music scene for a younger generation and he can't even see his part in this chain. No doubt, it will be a disney-type of experience to go shop in his store; he'll keep it looking all grungy for the rich folks who stop in to pick up some clothes that make them feel like they live an edgy, artistic life. Same old same old.

    We all weep for this city, for sure.


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